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FCHS invites groups, clubs, agencies, and worksites to partner with us to “Get Moving, Get Healthy.” We specialize in a variety of nutrition, health, and wellness topics. Contact us today to bring these programs to your group:
Build A Better…Your Guide to Healthier Choices
In today’s overwhelming market place, it’s not always easy to identify the healthiest food options on the table. This series of discussions covers all the basics to help consumers create more nutritious salads, smoothies, breakfast and beverages. Some session include taste tests.
- Build A Better Salad
- Build A Better Smoothie
- Build A Better Beverage
- Build A Better Breakfast
Functional Foods For Life
Consumers continue to be interested in the connection between the food they eat and the possible health benefits. This Functional Foods For Life (1MB PDF) series of interactive seminars features engaging lecture and discussion paired with a unique taste testing.
- Chocolate: Is It The New Health Food?
- Bringing Vegetables to The Table: A Celebration of the Harvest
- A Tea Seminar: Drink to Your Health
- Focus on Fungi: Mushrooms & Their Health Benefits
- Coffee: Should It Be Your Mug of Choice?
- Berries & You: Perfect Together
Wired…The Buzz on Caffeine
Caffeine is well known for its stimulant effects on the brain, but there are a number of other physiologic effects that occur when we eat or drink it. Learn all about caffeine and its effect on the body at this intriguing program.
Healthy Meals On The Go
No one wants to spend too much time away from the action—work, family or play—and in the kitchen. But, who can spend hard-earned cash on expensive restaurant meals or less-than-healthy fast food? This enlightening series offers fast, nutritious, tasty ideas to help you create healthy meals for today’s fast-paced families.
- Mason Jar Meals
- Meal Planning Made Easy
- Slow Cooker Meals
Contact FCHS today at 856-224-8040 to schedule a program for your organization, group, or worksite.