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Prevention Pays At Work
Employee wellness programs offer benefits to employers and employees. They decrease absenteeism and health insurance rates, and increase employee productivity—while helping employees reduce stress and lower chronic disease risk. Download our brochure for details (5MB PDF). our

Prevention Means Business
A growing number of New Jersey businesses already rely on Get Moving, Get Healthy NJ Workforce to make wellness a priority at their companies. By combining employee health with financial fitness, our program takes a unique approach to worksite wellness that no other program provides.
We offer Get Moving, Get Healthy NJ Workforce to all interested Gloucester County employers, free of charge. Get Moving, Get Healthy NJ Workforce stands out from other health promotion programs because it’s affordable and customizable to your company’s and your employees’ needs.
Get Moving Get Healthy NJ Workforce offers two unique and informative ways to offer life-changing wellness in the workplace, a 12-week, online program and optional worksite wellness activities:
12-Week Online Program
Get Moving Get Healthy NJ Workforce’s 12-week wellness program uses weekly emails and online links to provide employees with the helpful knowledge, tools, and skills they need for health promotion and financial fitness. Download our brochure for details (5MB PDF).
Worksite Wellness Activities
Mahatma Ghandi said, “You have to be the change you want to see in the world.” Employees can be the change they want to see by engaging in the wellness discussion. Work with FCHS to set up an on-site wellness council to guide wellness goals and programs at the work site.
Or, collaborate with your FCHS Educator to include personalized programs on-site that expand on some of the topics presented in our online component, such as Lunch & Learns or Family Cooking Workshops.
Contact us today to get started: or 856-224-8040.
5,000 Participants and Growing
A survey of Get Moving, Get Healthy NJ Workforce
participants revealed that:
59% reported eating a healthier diet
67% now take time to exercise more than
three times per week
48% reported a significant decrease in their debt