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The Lindley G. Cook 4‑H Youth Center for Outdoor Education is located on 108 acres in Stokes State Forest in northwestern New Jersey. Our research based, age-appropriate programs use the learn by doing approach to enable youth to develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to become competent, caring, and contributing citizens of the world. This mission is accomplished by using the knowledge and resources of the land-grant university system, along with the involvement of caring adults. Both summer and winter camp experiences are available. Outdoor activities include fishing, hiking, sports, boating and canoeing.
Locally, the Gloucester County 4‑H Youth Development Program offers a week-long Summer Enrichment day camp for children entering grades one through four. The camp is held at the Gloucester County 4‑H Fairgrounds in Mullica Hill. Campers are divided into two age levels and are supervised by RCE 4‑H staff members and trained volunteer counselors. Campers are exposed to different project areas in a fun and positive way. Children participate daily in activities that include live animals, science & nature projects, environmental awareness projects, and arts & crafts. The week culminates in a field trip. For more information, please call our office at 856-224-8040 x3.